-Sleep whenever you can. Even 5 minute catnaps will help. This will be a bit easier if the baby is the only baby you have. If you have other children, it will be harder to find time to nap. Trust me on this- you DO NOT want to accidently nod off while they are awake. My older kids ( 6,4 & 3) have built in sensors that instantly kick in if I nod off in my rocking chair. The consequences? Any & all gum in the house is consumed, lotions & powders will be applied the every available surface in the bathroom, and snacks will be pillaged from the kitchen. I swear my dh has superhero blood in his family, as my kids are FAST! lol
-When changing diapers, make sure you have clean diapers, wipes & extra change of clothes if needed, within arms reach. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT take off diapers slowly, do not stop to smell the roses, do not pass go, do not collect $200. More than likely, you will be pee'd on at least once! Boys are notorious for waiting til you have taken the old diaper off, smiling, and letting loose! Now that I've let you in on this little tidbit, feel free NOT to share it with your signifigant other- while it's not fun to be the Pee-ee, it's pretty darn hilarious to watch it happen to your dh. :D
-Take time everyday to just enjoy your baby. As my oldest son turns 14 next week, I can tell you that time goes by waaay too fast. Revel in the little things- take the morning smile that only mommy can bring out, the baby coos, that sweet baby smell, and the way he holds your finger when you rock him to sleep- lock these in your heart! My youngest will soon be 4 months old, and I already am starting to tear up over milestones Joshua is flying by. :(
Thanks for joining my giveaway and there will be some of all of that coming soon! :)
Great advice! I really enjoyed your post. The time sure does fly. Thanks for participating.
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