About Me

Citrus Heights, CA, United States
Welcome a little place, I like to call The Crazy House, or my blog. :D Cast of Characters: The mom part is played by yours truly. My name is Molly. I am 37 years old and live in Northern California. I am a first & foremost a mom, on top of the many other jobs that I do. The 5 Boys- Sam is my almost an adult(sob)17 year old- lots of challenges with the teenager years. Michael, or Mikey as we call him, is my 9 year old. Brandon is 7, Andrew turns 7 at the end of August. And then there is Joshua, who had his third birthday in March; he has decided to extend his terrible twos. Our princess Emma joined us on April 7th in 2010. She has all of us wrapped around her fingers! Our lives have dramatically changed since the beginning of this year-I have dealt with domestic violence, started divorce proceedings, lost my job, and had to move myself & the 6 kids into my parent's house. Yeah, it's a crazy life!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

So confused or is it just tired

Well, we moved in with my brother's family last week. Actually one week ago today. I don't know how I feel about all of this. I am really starting to feel like I made a big mistake. :( I know Matt needed something drastic done, to wake him the hell up. We've been talking this week, about all kinds of different things. He is sitting in a basically empty house. He has a couch, entertainment center,and a coffee table. His brother gave him a tv & a fan. Oh, and 1 plate, 1 fork, and 1 frying pan. I've used so much money for gas, this last week, it isn't even funny. I just can't seem to stay away from the house. I "snuck" over there, while the 3 middle kids were with Anna, just so I could go talk to Matt. He is starting to realize how much I "didn't do" around the house. He knows what he did was stupid, and has said that he will start going to drug & alcohol classes again. I just want to take the kids back home again. I love my family & all that they have done for us, but I'm not happy here. I have to fight for 5 minutes to get on my nephew's computer ( I have mine here, but have to wait until my sil has time to see if she can get the wireless up and running), that I can't sit and rock my colicky baby at night, that even though I did most of the parenting at the house, I still could hand Matt the baby if I was super tired & needed a break- I am dead tired right now. :( I don't know how to fix this mess- I don't want to lose my family, if I decide to go back to him. But I don't want to give him up. I just want my house back. And family, as disfunctional as we were. I wish I had someone who could tell me exactly what I should do.

1 comment:

KTluv said...

Awww honey. I am so sorry. I can't tell you what to do. You have to do what is right for you but know that I am here for you if you need anything. I have been in your shoes and I know how hard it is. ((( ))) Sending prayers your way!!!!