About Me

Citrus Heights, CA, United States
Welcome a little place, I like to call The Crazy House, or my blog. :D Cast of Characters: The mom part is played by yours truly. My name is Molly. I am 37 years old and live in Northern California. I am a first & foremost a mom, on top of the many other jobs that I do. The 5 Boys- Sam is my almost an adult(sob)17 year old- lots of challenges with the teenager years. Michael, or Mikey as we call him, is my 9 year old. Brandon is 7, Andrew turns 7 at the end of August. And then there is Joshua, who had his third birthday in March; he has decided to extend his terrible twos. Our princess Emma joined us on April 7th in 2010. She has all of us wrapped around her fingers! Our lives have dramatically changed since the beginning of this year-I have dealt with domestic violence, started divorce proceedings, lost my job, and had to move myself & the 6 kids into my parent's house. Yeah, it's a crazy life!

Friday, August 1, 2008

We all like Free Stuff, right?

As a newbie blogger, I'm a little overwhelmed by all the elements of blogging. Should I blog about the family & our lives? Do I write reviews of books I've read, movies I've seen, or products that I can't live without? Can I share cool websites that I have found? To get ideas (and to hopefully win some cool stuff) I've been Blog Hopping the last couple of days, reading, commenting & grinding my fingers down to nubby stubbs, entering literally hundreds of wonderful giveaways. The Bloggy Carnival is going on this week, with at last count, well over 1000 participants. Tons of cool stuff to be won, like blog makeovers ( which I would LOVE to win!), gift cards, clothing, and my personal favorite, lots of books. I've had a ton of fun entering, getting great ideas, and finding new products that I hadn't heard of before ( like MomSpit- don't you just love the name?). So much that I want to host a giveaway of my own.
I've been blessed with some neat wins of my own, so I think I will share a few of them with you.
-Advance copy of Julius Caesar by Phillip Freeman
- Country sings Disney Cd
-Coupon for a Freschetta Pizza Product
- Two mystery prizes
So, leave me a comment with a way to contact you, if chosen as one of the 5 winners. Tell me something about yourself or your family- make sure you do this, or you will be disqualified as a winner. ( Got to make you work a little bit for the prizes! lol) Since I am starting a new job tomorrow, the giveaway will be open until Sunday evening, 9pm Pacific Time. Good luck all & hope to see you stop back by,as I get my bloggy up and running.

Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button


michelle said...

I like pizza and books. I would love to be entered. Thanks so much for jumping in and hosting a giveaway. I can't wait for this weekend to see if I manage to win anything after all of the entering I have been doing this past week.

michelle at northofthe49 dot com

Tammy said...

I'm an homeschooling mom of 3 great kids. I don't have a blog, but I sure have visited a lot of nice ones. Good luck with your blog & job! Thanks for the contest.

holliberri said...

I'm staying at home with my son and have one on the way. I would like to start a blog, but I struggle with a lot of the questions you wrote about. What exactly do I write about? The ones I read seem to have a focus...just not sure what my focus would be.

Good luck with your new blog!

hedwards25 @gmail. com

Debbie said...

I will be a new blogger in a week. Kids go back to school Monday and I have a goal to start a blog. I also worry about he same things you do, but I guess I'll figure it out as I go. Good Luck!!

AudreyO said...

A little something about me and my family :) We live in Santa Barbara. Yep, we felt the earthquake earlier this week. I'm mom to two girls and two four legged guys. I love to scrapbook and crochet. Thanks for having this.

Dave said...

I am a stay at home mom of a wonderful 15 month old boy. I am loving having a blog to keep my family up to date with my son's activities. I'd tell you more, but I have to go stop my son from eating packaging peanuts!

swinger of birches said...

I love surprises! I'm a homeschooling mom to 4 wonderful children!

She Became a Butterfly said...

my family consists of me and my 2 children, maisie & lola (cocker spaniels!). i'm proud to be able to support myself on just my income. it's not easy in this economy!


TinaW said...

My boyfriend and I love pizza - if we are too hungry to make a real decision on dinner, we always default to pizza. Plus who can go wrong with books? Thanks.

Kathie B. said...

I have a lively family; my oldest will be starting kindergarten in the fall. We are entering the next stage! Thanks for the chance to win. Visit me at www.mypreppypurse.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

I love pizza, books and anything disney! Also who doesn't love mystery gifts? LOL

I'm a mom to a blended family (six total) from 4 to 27 years old. And a new grandma to a 6 week old. YEA!

There is never a dull moment in my house!


Amber said...

A little bit about me....I'm a stay at home mom to 3 boys, who are 8, 4, and 2. I love reading and baking with the kids!

CrystalGB said...

I am the youngest of seven children. I have 6 older brothers.

Julie Donahue said...

My family includes 1 son by adoption and a son and daughter by birth. That is why I am Mom2Ways.

HilLesha O'Nan said...

I'm a work at home mother and I have a two year old. I stay busy, busy, busy. :)

Kristin said...

Freschetta is my favorite--especially their brick-oven pizza! My hubby and I eat it every Sunday night after the kiddos are in bed. :-)

buzzd said...

I love to read and pizza and a book sounds fab. I also love to decorate my home and learn new painting techniques. Thanks for the contest!

shaunjoy said...

Mmmm, pizza...and I love a good read! About myself, I'm currently a sahm with a very active 1-yo who is obsessed with shoes. ;)


Anonymous said...

welcome to the blogger world! great prizes! my husband runs his own business, and is a fulltime student getting his masters, and is the college pastor at our church. i work full time, am a secret shopper, and love to knit, as well as host parties!

probably more than you wanted to know :)

anyways, i have giveaways every weekend, so be sure to swing by and enter to win this week!

Anonymous said...

I have 4 kids and a granddaughter and I am the second of four girls. It's my first time visiting your blog, and I'll be back!

Maggie said...

This is so exciting! I'm also a new blogger and am learning the ropes on what I'm writing about. I love all your prizes and can't wait to see who wins!

Unknown said...

I have 2 sons, 1 beautiful granddaughter and the most wonderful husband. I don't blog because I'm nowhere near as creative as you are but I love reading blogs and I've found so many great ones during this Giveaway Carnival. Thanks for the chance to win!

proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

rlgrady said...

Let's see.... My kids are 21, 16 and 14, so I have my hands full. Teenagers are fun! I like working out, but I like eating out better. Thanks for the giveaway!

rlgrady [at] yahoo dot com

Willys and Elizabeth (Lizzie) said...

I am a stay at home wife... taking care of my hubby, a dog and 10 chickens... I love making cards.
Thanks for this opportunity,

CanCan said...

Mystery prizes! Ooo, exotic!

I am a mom of 2, and I love to blog! I made quiche for dinner.

onlycancan at hotmail dot com

Jessica said...

I am a high school English teacher. I am in a seven year relationship with my boyfriend, who I met when I was 12 on the bus. We were best friends in high school, and we didnt' start dating until I was 21.

Ronnica said...

I'd LOVE this! I had the old Country Disney CD and it was a favorite...

Something about me? Hmmm. I'm an unintentionally-single, twenty-something, soon-to-be-seminary-graduate who loves reading, writing, and laughing with friends. I also have the tendency to cry at everything/anything. I'm not really sure what my problem is, but my roommate has informed me that it no longer takes a lot of work to make me laugh until I cry as it used to.

Kimberly said...

Thanks for the great giveaway.

Something about myself? I'm typing this wearing a brace right now because my carpal tunnel is bothering me big time.

I'm married, have two kids, four cats and a dog and we all live in a tiny one bedroom condo (sigh...).

I'm a home maker, stay at home mom, home business owner, freelance journalist and photographer.

I have a blog, SheScribes.com and a digital scrapbook blog CityScribeScraps.com

Thanks for a great giveaway.!

Alitheia said...

I've got a Mt. TBR that is almost four hundred books in total and no time to read them =/ I also review books for a friend of mine on her site which is partly responsible for me not having a ton of time to read personal books =) Thanks for the chance!

Re said...

a little about me - well I'm a slacker mom who likes decorating and coming up with interesting recipes on the fly. I enjoy reading, relaxing,eating, and sleeping! and I hope i'm the lucky winner.

kamewh said...

I have 2 boys, one who will be starting preschool in the fall. Thank you for the giveaway!

toohotforturtle said...

Something about me? Hmmm, How about I have two Great Horned Owls that live in my backyard. I love to go out at twilight and watch them perch and swoop.

Sarah said...

This is fun -- it's like coming up with my description for a blog dating game. I am a work-from-home mom of 2 girls, ages 5 & 3 and I have trouble prioritizing (note I am entering thousands of contests instead of working). I've been married for almost 10 years, and recently survived turning 30. Thanks! Stop by my blog sometime -- I'm newly committed to it.

megret7 said...

We're a homeschooling family (at least through preschool). Thanks!
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com

Cherie J said...

I am a stay at home mom with a 5 year old boy and a 21 month old girl. I will be starting to homeschool my son this year and I am a bit excited but nervous as well since it is something new. Thanks for the contest!


ariyana9501 said...

My husband, 2 daughters and I have a pizza and movie night every week. It's so much cheaper than going out and we get to spend time together at home. Thanks for such a great giveaway!

sweetsue said...

I am a full time student, don't work, and am devoted to by grandchildren. I have three adult children, one of whom is disabled and he lives with me. I love to read, and I love summer. Great giveaway!

Kathleen said...

I love Freschetta pizza--don't you know that coupon you're giving away is PURE GOLD??

Actually I love any kind of pizza at all. I love pizza so much that both my husband and our girl kinda... don't like pizza anymore. That's one way to keep your kid on the path of healthy eating, eh? Thanks for the great giveaway!

mulltc said...

Something about my family - it is growing! I am expecting a baby in the fall! Good luck at your new job!

Kristin said...

I am a homeschooling mom of 9 (soon-to-be 10) children. We are Christians and live in beautiful NH!

Anonymous said...

Awesome prize oack would love to win. I'm a teacher with 2 small boys and a great husband, and we would really enjoy this.l

Anonymous said...

Pizza and a movie is my favorite way to spend a weekend! Thanks for entering late and coming up with a fab prize!

Lisa P@www.isitmondayalready.com said...

Great prizes! Lets see im a sahm of a 9 year old girl and a son who will be 1 on sunday 8/3 when the contests ends!

Carol said...

Great prizes. Thanks for the chance to win. I'm married and a sahm to two boys and a girl, ages 17,11, and 4 year olds. Never a dull moment in our house with three kids always going through different phases.


groovyteach said...

i'm the mom of an autistic toddler and a high school teacher who goes back to work in 2 weeks. i've loved this time home with my daughter, so i'm not quite ready to go back to work yet!

Trish said...

I recently started blogging myself, and have become addicted! I am a stay-at-home mom to one beautiful redheaded girl. I also make nursing covers and other things to sell for a little extra spending money. Thanks for the giveaway! trishblack(at)juno(dot)com

37 Questions said...

I'm a SAHM of 13 month old twins. We love to read, play outside, be silly.

Ginny said...

I love to read, scrapbook & of course blog. I have 2 daughters, that are really into dance.

Jenny said...

I'm a single mom of 4. I'm fascinated by blogging but too scaredy cat yet to try it myself. One of these days, maybe. Thanks for the fun contest!

Anonymous said...

Hi..I am married with a grown son and daughter n law. They are getting ready to move out of state so I am a little sad. I love to cook, read, and find great sites on the computer.

Anonymous said...

Hi..I am married with a grown son and daughter n law. They are getting ready to move out of state so I am a little sad. I love to cook, read, and find great sites on the computer. semtaylor(at)yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the double posting. It told me it did not go through the first time (had to enter the word verification again) so I resubmitted and added my email.

Sandra said...

I have one son who seems to need less sleep than I do and as a result I am chronically sleep deprived and most days a babbling fool. Thanks for the giveaway!

owatz (AT) telus (DOT) net

Dani' said...

ooh mystery prizes. Lets see. I am 30 and have two girls,one just started middle school and one in 2nd grade. I volunteer at the Humane Society shelter, am a Girl Scout Leader, among other things. solta(at)hotmaildotcom

Alyce said...

I am married with two sons ages 7 and (almost)4. I play the flute in a community band. I love the smell of pickles but not the taste. I used to love black olives, but ever since having kids can't stand them unless they're on pizza. But pretty much anything tastes good on pizza.

Ticopi said...

I go from game-to-game to entertain myself. I have phases; I usually love solitaire for a few months, then it's minesweeper, then it's puzzle books, etc. Then eventually the cycle stars over.

sphinx63 said...

Hi! I have one wonderful daughter (most of the time) and one wonderful husband (most of the time)! And I love pizza and books and chocolate. Thanks for the giveaway!

Jennifer said...

About me: I live in Michigan, I love to read, married to a great man with no children yet. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Qtpies7 said...

I'm a mom to 7 qtpies. My youngest is Sam!
We homeschool off and on. I don't like doing it, but I don't like the kids being in public school, either. Back and forth.

Anonymous said...

Our family adores pizza! Something more interesting is my big sis and I share a blog and write a little of everything, but it mostly comes back to our kids (I've 1 and 1 on the way, she's got 2 under 3yrs old) Best wishes on your job. Have a nice weekend! --Colleen

David said...

I am a stay at home mom to Mckenzie(7) and Kendall (2). I have been married for 13 years. THanks for the wonderful contest.


Kristan said...

my husband and i were surprised by a pregnancy and then surprised by twins, and i'm now staying at home with my 12.5 month old beauties!

Unknown said...

My husband and I will have our 17th anniversary on Sunday. We have 4 kids, three of which I homeschool.

Unknown said...

Hi! I'm a nursing student and work 12 hr nights at the hospital. In my spare time (since my husband works days) I get to see my husband! I look forward to the day I can be in the OR working during the day so I can see him more. Maybe if I win we can use it together...hubby loves pizza. Thanks!

silverhartgirl said...

I am a stay at home mom of three. My oldest is 13 and my youngest is two.I have a 9 year old daughter too. I love reading it is how i relax , wind down and have some me time so i can be a happy mom the next day.

Fae said...

my family loves pizza. they would eat it everyday if allowed. *laugh* my fave topping is sausage and pepperoni.

so i'd love the Coupon for a Freschetta Pizza Product!

Nancy said...

What a fun bunch of goodies. My husband and I love Frescheta pizza, and I love to read! Surprises are great, and who doesn't love Disney. Sign me up!

Suzie Williams said...

I'm a stay at home mom to a 2.5 year old and a 5 month old. We have a pug and a boston terrier. My fiance and I have been together 7 years and are getting married in October.

Good luck with your blog and your new job!

Anonymous said...

I was just in a play...Suessical the musical. It was so much fun!

Vetstadium said...

We have it for lunch twice a week so would really enjoy the win.

chad and chrissy said...

I'm about to go to Savannah for a week and I am a new mom of a beautiful baby girl.

MorethanMommy said...

Hmmm... our family. We've got two kids and two cats!


welcome to blogging- trying to get my own started too

Elizabeth F. said...

I am a mom of 3 kids, ages 7, 5, and 3 and live in NC. Our family of 5 love pizza! Yum.


Unknown said...


My boys don't move any faster than when they hear that word. My 13-year old would say, "Oh, Mylanta!" And, they are out slip and sliding right now!

Thanks for slipping in at the last moment. I had my radar on...


EG said...

If I had to only eat one food for the rest of my life, it'd be pizza. No pepperoni, please.

Tarasview said...

what a great giveaway!

I am a pastor's wife and a SAHM to three kids. My oldest son is 6, my younger son is 4, and my daughter is 19 months. We live in a teeny tiny town in the middle of nowhere Canada.

misty said...

Love pizza. Thanks so much for the opportunity.

I am a SAHM to one beautiful 3 year old girl, Chloe. I love to read, eat pizza, watch movies, and relax.

I have a pizza addiction. I blog about it all the time. lol.

planetmisty at gmail dot com

Cristina said...

I love reading and eating pizza, at the same time. lol Seriously nothing beats sitting in a big comfy cahir, legs up, book in lap, and a piece of pizza in hand.

Anonymous said...

Hello, this contest rocks! My family members all have secret code names and a secret handshake.


Reva Skie said...

We are D.I.N.K.s and homebodies

Michele P. said...

Hi! Glad to have found your blog, and good luck in your new job! I am mom to 2 children, a 6 yr old girl, 15 yr old boy. Both keep me very busy-we also have 3 cats (oh yeah, and hubby counts too!) We speak Spanish/English at home and have fun doing it! I work for a nonprofit in fuel assistance and am busy this time of year. I also will have giveaways, but was just a bit overwhelmed with this whole bloggy giveaway thing and want to start out small, lol-it doesn't take much to confuse me as I am still learning! Have a wonderful weekend!

Tiffany @ Lattes And Life said...

I looove to bake!!! And I'd looove to enter your giveaway!

Denise said...

I am a mom 3 ways (marriage, birth, & adoption)!. Good luck with the new job!! Thanks.

Paula Reece said...

So nice to meet you! I'm a working mom with 3 boys, ages 10, 6, and almost 4. So I'm very intrigued to hear all about your venture into the teen years! I work P/T as an editor for an educational publishing company, and my husband is a HS Math Teacher and Adjunct Community College instructor. I just started my blog in March. It's overwhelming but sooo addicting, isn't it? :) Thanks for the great giveaway!


Unknown said...

Great giveaway! Pizza, book, and a surprise-GREAT!

Laura said...

My family just moved back to the US from South Africa!

Anonymous said...

I love pizza (especially free pizza). I have a crazy family.
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com

Katrina said...

I would love to win! I am 25 years old, and have been married a little over a year. So far our "family" consists of a dog who is more work than any kid, and a cat. =) welcome to the blog world!

M.E. said...

My son is 5 and starts kindergarten later this month! So sad to see my baby grow up.
Enter me, please!

pierce said...

My family loves to cook, we look up recipes online and make a new thing pretty much every week. We are also big fans of the show The Office.

Donna said...

My favorite food is pizza. I am new to blogging and entering blog contests also.

Jinxy and Me said...

Great prizes! I just started blogging myself earlier this year and so far I love it. Stop by my blog and say "hi" sometime. Thanks for the giveaway!

janetfaye said...

I am a grammy, a fitness walker and I love to read.

Thank you!

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Meredith said...

I'm an empty nester. Find the nest easy to stretch out in when its empty! I have 3 grandchildren and 2 grown children. Like keeping up with politics and fiddling with my computer and spending time with my husband and 4 small dogs and a cat. We live in Maine.

Hootyboosmom said...

I am a SAHM of 2 girls (6 & 10), and we live in the deserts outside of Los Angeles (yes, we're a little hot right now! :o)) Great giveaway! Thanks for offering it!

purplepassion126 said...

We recently moved from the city to the suburbs. I still work in the city, though, at a non-profit organization working with children and youth. If it were up to me, we'd eat pizza everyday!

Nise' said...

Beause your comments made my day with a smile or a laugh you have won the 2nd prize of a Dove Chocolate Bar. Please let me know if you prefer Milk Chocolate or Dark Chocolate and email me your smail mail address so I can get it out to you ASAP. Thank you for entering my giveaway!

Nikki said...

Hi It so nice to meet you. I will be glad to tell you about us. I am a talker by nature. Sometimes my mind goes faster than my fingers. lol I am a mom of six lovely children and we homeschool. Ages are 20,18,15,11,8, and 2.. It is so much fun raising so many children. The 15 year old will turn 16 her in a few weeks and ohh my it still makes me nervous to think of them going out and driving. lol However They have all been really slow about it which is ok with me. J my 20 year old dd is married and lives in texas. She still doesnt have her drivers License. The 18 year old just got his learners permit but I dont see my girl V waiting as long as the others. Yet you never know. Daddy is a great man and works for a lumber co. As you can tell I like to talk which is why I have a blog too. lol

come visit me sometime

and ohhh
Thanks for the givaway
please enter me.
homeschooling mom of 6

Emily N. said...

My family likes to eat ranch dressing and cheese sauce on our pizza.

gotfire at yahoo.com

KTluv said...

Hey Moll!!! Love your blog and who can complain about freebies! lol Congrats on the new job. I miss ya!!! Hmmmm, something about my family??? You and I have married clones and are living parallel lives on opposite sides of the country. But then, that wasn't really news, right? lol

Rita T. said...

Great giveaway! About me - I'm getting ready to begin another homeschool year, our 14th. I have 5 children who keep me hopping. I'm also a freelance writer published in several children's and adults magazines - writing my first novel.

Forgetfulone said...

I could eat pizza several times a week. Right now, I'm reading A thousand Splendid Suns. Well, not RIGHT NOW, but you know what I mean. I'm a teacher, and a mom to 12 year old twins and step mom to two daughters who live with me and a step-son who has 9 month twins of his own. Whew! I worked hard for that.

Shawnee said...

Good job, joining Bloggy Giveaways as a newbie! I'm currently hosting the third round of my Flirty Apron Swap at http://flirtyapronswap.blogspot.com, teach freezer cooking classes and am married w/children. But, enough about me.. welcome to Blogland!

alimark said...

We love pizza at our house!! My daughter would love the cd!! Thanks

Adrienne said...

I like all of these things. But what I like best is that YOU ARE A WINNER! I am trying to email you, but the email button on your blogger profile isn't working. Email me please ASAP at
and give me your home adress so I can mail you your WEB CAM!

And considered me entered into your contest please.

Blogger said...

Hi! This is FaygoPop from OLS ;)

Our family loves pizza and mysteries, so your contest is right up our alley ;)

I am a SAHM, in training (lol), 13 1/2 years now, my dh is a hard working electrician and we have 2 great boys, ages 13 and 4 :)

Thanks for the great contest and nice to meet you, too :)

Bella (FaygoPop)

Erica said...

I'm a SAHM mom of 4 young boys. I love to read, garden, and try to live our lives as natural as can be!

All your giveaways sound great!

Ellie Wright said...

I'm a SAHGM (stay at home grandma).
I love to read and surf the net after my little grandsons go home for the day. Thanks for the giveaway!

LoriM said...

Hi - I like pizza and books and mystery prizes. I'm a work from home mom - WFHM doesn't flow as well does it? Thanks for the giveaway chance.
scrappylori at gmail dot com