About Me

Citrus Heights, CA, United States
Welcome a little place, I like to call The Crazy House, or my blog. :D Cast of Characters: The mom part is played by yours truly. My name is Molly. I am 37 years old and live in Northern California. I am a first & foremost a mom, on top of the many other jobs that I do. The 5 Boys- Sam is my almost an adult(sob)17 year old- lots of challenges with the teenager years. Michael, or Mikey as we call him, is my 9 year old. Brandon is 7, Andrew turns 7 at the end of August. And then there is Joshua, who had his third birthday in March; he has decided to extend his terrible twos. Our princess Emma joined us on April 7th in 2010. She has all of us wrapped around her fingers! Our lives have dramatically changed since the beginning of this year-I have dealt with domestic violence, started divorce proceedings, lost my job, and had to move myself & the 6 kids into my parent's house. Yeah, it's a crazy life!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

It can't be June......

Can someone please tell me where the heck Spring went to? The kids finished up their last week of school last week, and we are full into Summer break. Another way I can tell the kids are out of school, is by the fact that there is no food in the house. lol You don't fully appreciate the fact that 3 of the kids eat breakfast & lunch at school, until they are all home. Haven't been able to do alot lately, because it seems like all I do is work. :( Don't get me wrong- I like my job, and am happy to HAVE a job. It just interferes with all the other stuff I like to do, like um, live. lol But at least starting this week, I will have Friday & Saturdays off. Woohoo!

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